Precept Notice

Published: 11 February 2021

Wentlooge Community Council is the first level of our local government. The elected or co-opted Councillors represent the two villages of St Brides and Peterstone and the surrounding rural area. The main role of Wentlooge Community Council is to give grassroots advice to decision makers, principally Newport City Council (NCC), on any issues affecting the well-being of our community, including planning applications, roads, crime prevention and footpaths.

Up until 2019/20, to fund your Council we raised money from two sources - an earmarked or “precepted” amount of Council Tax and an annual concurrent grant contribution of approximately £3200 from Newport City Council (NCC) to help pay for the services we provide.

To meet this shortfall in funding we have been forced to increase the “precepted” amount from the Council Tax payer. Band D will now pay £4.28 precept per month compared to £2.14 last year.

The estimated annual expenditure for 2021/22 of £18472 will be met from £18291 “precepted” amount of Council Tax and £181 from financial reserves.